On the 12th of August the group of Penzov reached the 5th camp. They did that rather quickly. Penzov had not taken any extra weight, even though I asked him by wireless to take one more tent and some more fuel. At 2 a.m. the group of 4 started ascending from the 5th camp. The weather was wonderful. Having reached the end of fixed ropes at 8,200m, the guys started fixing a dangerous section of the steep ice. They managed to cover about 100m, by the time Sergei started having liver troubles. He hadn't taken a down-jacket with him being sure to get to the summit quickly. As a result he really got cold, and was forced to go down.
On the way to the summit
The night in the 5th camp before the summit attempt
As we were told afterwards, Carlos couldn't stay calm. Having understood that his chance to summit was going away, he said that he would go alone. Igor convinced Carlos to go down to bivouac and to try once more next morning. There had to be enough fuel.
The same day Piotr Pustelnik and Ryszard Pawlowski reached the upper camp. Of course they couldn't get a substantial rest. They were not going to lose a chance the weather gave them. The whole evening they were sitting in our "Kangchenjunga" drinking tea and taking pictures. Sergei Penzov was taking medicine and recovering little by little. After long negotiations with a doctor he was almost beseeching her to give him one more chance next day. The Polish guys had left at 1 a.m. taking 80 m of the rope with them. They fixed this rope above 8,200m. At 2 a.m. the group of Penzov followed them. Getting to the end of the fixed ropes the guys separated. Sergei rushed up. Igor and Carlos followed him a little bit slower. Misha Ishutin had stopped after advancing 50 meters. He had no more strength. It took him two hours to recover and then he slowly went down. Soon Penzov reached Piotr and Ryszard. The smart Polish guys took a gas-stove with them, so they had an hour break to drink some hot tea when they had reached the crest. At 4 p.m. Sergei, Piotr, and Ryszard had reached the summit. There was such a jubilation in the base camp. Our guys kept yelling "Hurrah!", and the Polish climbers yelled "Victoria!" The wireless connection with the summit was not excellent. The batteries had died, and to make them work Penzov had to warm them in his bosom.

Having taken pictures, the Polish guys started moving down. At 4:45 p.m. Igor and Carlos had reached the summit. Sergei Penzov, being really cold, went down very quickly and took the wireless with him. He reached the camp one hour after with Misha Ishutin. Igor and Carlos were moving a lot slower. From the ABC we could see two dots going down the slope. It got dark, but Benkin and Buhler had reached the start of the fixed ropes by that time, and we felt a relief.
Now there is a straight path to the summit
Sergei Penzov and Ryszard Pawlowski on the summit
Igor Benkin on the summit
A view from K2 summit
Two of our guys had reached the summit! Such a great day! We did it! Not we, but the expedition. It was everyone's contribution, but it will not matter afterwards. There should be a symbol: the one who reached the summit. Who cares that the huge work of the expedition stands behind that? This is the way life is.

with summit (580kB)

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