In the morning we weren't so fortunate. The night before, having prepared the meat, we stored it in a cold place, the river. During the night, the water level had risen and we lost the meat and almost all our pots. We bustled, running along the river banks. But we couldn't find the things we'd lost. The food problem became an idee fixe of the expedition.
Morning in Mazardara
That day's lading didn't differ from the last one. Same protests, same scandals, same attempts to save on every little thing. The passage itself didn't take much time. It took us only 3 to 5 hours to get to the next camp site. It was really hot that day. We had to try to hide from the blinding sun.
The caravan continues
"The ship of the desert"... in the mountains
It made me pleased with myself that I didn't forget to grab my long sleeved white shirt. It took no time to get sunburnt. Luba now had more responsibilities. She treated sunburns and corns. A regular road ended, and a narrow stony path stood before us. When we stopped, Luba made an announcement. She said, "Whoever needs help, come here one by one!" We all got in a line. At the place where we stopped, the river had created some small streams and waterholes. We went skinny dipping.

We were all waiting for the crossing that we'd dread. I hoped that luck would stay on our side. Generally, you get more superstitious while being in an expedition. The meat had floated away and I thought, "Let us have all the problems before we reach the mountains. Then let everything be OK".

With great pleasure I was watching the camels. We had dumped 100kg on each one, and they could pull it without having to stop to eat. They are elegant creatures. It seems that their noses get pierced with a stick in early childhood. People fasten the rope to the stick that makes it very easy to control them. After each passage camels get tied up to their noses for a couple of hours. Then they get released, they rush to bushes and start chewing until morning.

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